Mobile Printing
Securely print from your mobile
If the COVID-19 pandemic has proved anything it’s that the importance of employee mobility and the use of personal mobile devices, such as smartphones and tablets, in businesses has never been more prevalent. When deployed correctly these Bring Your Own Devices (BYOD) can:
- Increase flexibility – it is a lot easier for employees to create and share information when and where it’s needed.
- Improve productivity – people don’t have to log onto a PC to open documents, but can access and print them directly from their own mobile device.
- Raise employee satisfaction – people have more choice and can work in a way that suits them.
- Reduce costs – there is no need to purchase and maintain workplace computers and less training is required.
However, using BYOD brings significant challenges in terms of how to integrate mobile printing solutions into an organisation’s network infrastructure, so you can still track and manage the activities of mobile users. They can also introduce vulnerabilities that expose confidential information and even the whole network to the risk of unauthorised access if they are implemented without considering security and governance under a comprehensive Print Security Policy.

Enabling mobility, enhancing productivity
As part of Sharp’s range of Mobile Applications, and also included in our Managed Print Services, our Mobile Solutions let you fully integrate mobile devices of all types without compromising your network security. As well as giving people the freedom and flexibility to print information from their phones, tablets and laptops how and where they want, our mobile printing solutions also help them securely scan and share documents while they’re away from the office. It means that you can enjoy:
- Hassle-free printing – simply select a document, preview and print whatever you need directly to Sharp printers from a supported mobile device.
- Simplified scanning – hard-copy documents can be scanned to PDF on supported Sharp printers and photocopiers and viewed directly on mobile devices.
- Seamless collaboration – easily share scanned files with other supported applications or save them in the cloud.
In short, with our Mobile Solutions you can print from mobile devices as easily as printing from an office PC.

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