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Security Awareness Training

How can you make you employees your best line of defence?

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Need to strengthen your digital defence?

Any employee can make a mistake, no matter their role. However, as cyber-crimes increase in number and sophistication, even one mistake can have a significant impact on your business. 

Discover how Security Awareness Training can help educate your employees on the threats - from phishing to email fraud - and strengthen your business resilience. 

How can the power of Security Awareness Training minimise risk?

Protecting your business starts with educating your people. According to research around 80% of data breaches are caused by employee mistakes rather than just malicious actors and malicious software running on its own¹. It's therefore crucial to make sure employees have the correct security awareness training so they are aware of the risks and know what to look out for.

Our new brochure explores, how our cloud-based, competitively priced Security Awareness Training course can help. From correctly identifying phishing emails to adhering to the latest regulations, learn how to make employees one of your best security assets. Scroll down to read the brochure.

People working at computer

What is Security Awareness Training?

Embedded Video with Hover Underline

How up to date are your employees on the latest security risks? With techniques used by cyber criminals growing in sophistication, businesses can benefit from keeping every person informed.

In this short video, we explain the key ways you can strengthen your business' resilience, by educating employees and reducing the risk of insider threat.

Watch the video

people shaking hands


IT as it should be

Watch how Sharp can take care of your IT so you can take care of business.

Download the Security Awareness Training brochure