
Management of Chemical Substances

Sharp is pursuing environmental friendliness across all of its business activities.

Chemical Substances in our Supply Chain

The Sharp Code of Conduct stipulates the management of chemical substances on the precondition of compliance with applicable environmental laws, regulations, and regional agreements.

Protecting human health

Under the Basic Environmental Policy, we work to compile information related to hazardous substances that might damage the environment or human health, and will not, as a matter of principle, make use of them. In addition, we ensure proper use and control of chemical substances in our business activities, and continually work to reduce our consumption of them. 

We also manage pollutants that affect air and water quality by establishing standards stricter than those set forth in laws, regulations, or agreed upon with local communities. What’s more, we strive to reduce emissions of volatile organic compounds (VOCs) with the installation of highly efficient abatement facilities in LCD production sites. 



green globe with 3 blocks with letters H S E

Product Safety Data

When it is necessary for us to use chemical substances in our products and production processes, we use Safety Data Sheets (SDS). This helps ensure that the chemical’s properties are correctly understood and that products containing that chemical can be used safely. 

Some legislation may include labelling requirements or a prohibition or restriction on the use of specified chemical substances. Others require information management on product contents data, reporting the amounts of pollution discharged into the atmosphere and water areas, controlling the working environment, and occupational health management. 

Safety data sheets