Our fundamental corporate governance policy maximises corporate value through astute management, while operating with robust transparency and objectivity. This approach is laid down in our Business Philosophy as “Our future prosperity is directly linked to the prosperity of our customers, dealers and shareholders”.
With this policy in mind, we are strengthening the supervisory function over the Board of Directors and enhancing decision-making flexibility by appointing an outside Director and operating an Audit and Supervisory Committee.
Furthermore, we have created the Sharp Group Charter of Corporate Behaviour as action guidelines for all directors, executives, and employees, to raise awareness of compliance across the entire Sharp Group.
Sharp Group Charter of Corporate Behaviour and the Sharp Code of Conduct
To concretize its business philosophy and business creed, the company has set out the Sharp Group Charter of Corporate Behaviour to serve as the principles of behaviour for Sharp Group companies, and the Sharp Code of Conduct to serve as a standard for all directors and employees. Sharp works to ensure that these guidelines permeate the Group as fundamental sustainability policies, and that the Group takes appropriate and sincere action in all of its business endeavours with a high ethical standard and full compliance with the law.
Compliance Training
Sharp carries out training (including e-learning) on the Sharp Code of Conduct and material categories of laws and regulations (such as competition laws, anticorruption, and personal information protection). In fiscal 2023, the approximately 18,000 who took part in this training included members of Sharp Corporation, affiliated companies in Japan, and the labour union. The Sharp Code of Conduct was communicated to employees at all Sharp overseas bases.