We’ve strengthened our support for local communities and introducing new programmes to enhance workforce diversity and workplace inclusivity.
We implement and reinforce ethical standards through policies, guidelines, and education – ensuring stringent anti-corruption and data protection measures are supported by regular staff training, reporting mechanisms, and whistleblowing systems.
Human Rights - United Nations Global Compact
Our commitment to Labour & Human Rights:
Corporate policies on labour rights and fair working conditions are diligently followed to ensure safe, inclusive, and fair environments throughout company operations. Initiatives promoting workplace diversity, health and safety training, and robust anti-discrimination measures are aligned.
As a participant in the United Nations Global Compact, the Sharp Group promotes initiatives that conform to international principles about human rights and labour standards, such as those advocated in International Labour Organization (ILO) conventions.
Sharp signed the United Nations Global Compact in 2009 and supports this framework’s 10 principles in the areas of human rights, labour, the environment, and anti-corruption. This support comes in the form of fulfilling corporate responsibilities to solve worldwide problems such as conflict minerals and human rights abuses.
Supply Chain - Improved Reporting and Compliance
Sharp is enhancing measures to improve compliance and risk mitigation, particularly in the global supply chain. Through closer collaboration with the Responsible Business Alliance (RBA) and the implementation of stricter supply chain controls, the company is placing increased emphasis on human rights and adherence to international standards.
Sharp Group Charter of Corporate Behaviour and Code of Conduct
In recognition of our position as a global company committed to being a responsible member of society and to contribute to achieving a sustainable society, the Sharp Group has established a set of principles to guide our corporate behaviour.
The 2024 Sustainability Report highlights Sharp's unwavering commitment to a sustainable future and responsible business practices.